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Fortschritt Combine E514
Fortschritt Combine E514
Fortschritt ZT300
Fortschritt ZT300

History of FORTSCHRITT Combines

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The history of the emergence of one of the largest agricultural enterprises of the Fortschritt company began in 1949.

At first it was two companies from Neustadt and Stolpen which already had the common name “Fortschritt“.

By 1951, five plants had already merged. These were the companies: Herkules – agricultural machinery production Neustadt; agricultural machinery – Stolpen; Singwitz; agricultural machine factory Bischofswerda; Kirschau cars and gearboxes.

The main production of the joint venture VVB LBH Fortschritt was concentrated in Neustadt. In the 50s, the plant produces balers, slurry pumps, all kinds of threshers, including K117.

Since 1955, Fortschritt has begun manufacturing more sophisticated machinery, such as the Fortschritt E062 forage harvester. The history of the development of Yeshek begins in 1970.

Production of the Fortschritt E280 forage harvester and the later Fortschritt E281 modification established.

Also since 1970, the assembly of self-propelled mowers Fortschritt E301, and then later modifications Fortschritt E302, Fortschritt E303, which received its recognition and extraordinary popularity both here and abroad, developed and begins.

From 1970 to 1989, about 90,000 units produced.