SHIFENG Tractor Manual PDF
History of Shifeng Tractors
A SHIFENG Tractor Manual PDF is above the page.
The SHIFENG GROUP factory was founded in 1993, on the basis of the eponymous manufacturing plant.
The area of the plant at the moment is about 400 hectares, it employs more than 30,000 people.
The Shifeng group of companies has 5 different areas of production:
- Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment
- Universal diesel engines
- Cargo and passenger electric cars
- Manufacture of tires and other rubber goods
- Coal power plants
All these areas provides a single engineering research center in which more than a thousand engineers work.
The Shifeng plant, which produces agricultural machinery, is one of the first in terms of supplies to the Chinese domestic market.- The technique is very valuable because of its price range and the level of product quality.
The main products in the tractor lineup are quality machines with a diesel engine power from 18 to 100 horsepower.
Shifeng is the only factory in China that manufactures reliable belt-driven tractors that are not inferior in their performance to similar models with the classic direct drive from the engine to the gearbox.
In the model range there are models with the usual layout – the drive from the motor through the clutch basket.
These models are similar in technical characteristics to similar models of more expensive Dongfeng tractors: they have a gearbox (4 +1) x2, three and four-cylinder engines, the same weight and overall dimensions.