History of MB Trac Tractors
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Mercedes Benz manufactured a wide range of tractor and truck models.
Like any other company, Mercedes-Benz has its own history of origin. The merger of Daimler and Benz took place in the mid-1920s.
In 1922 Benz built the world’s first diesel tractor.
The company assembled tractors until the early 1930s, but resumed production of farm tractors since 1950 when Boeringer Unimog was acquired.
Then, in 1973, Mercedes Benz tractors began to appear under the MB Trac brand.
Production under this name ceased in 1991.
The Trac 65/70 produced from 1972-1975. for use as a farm / agricultural tractor.
The model equipped with a 4-cylinder engine with a volume of 230.78 cc. inches, with a capacity of 65 hp a 4×4 wheel arrangement and a diesel tank of 31.7 gallons.
The model was very popular during production.
The Trac 1400 made in 1987-1991. as a farm / agricultural tractor.
It equipped with a 6-cylinder engine with a volume of 363.56 cc. inches 136 hp, with a 4×4 wheel arrangement and a tank for diesel fuel 44.9 gallons.
At the time of production, it was a popular oversized tractor model.